Thursday, 23 May 2013

End of Year Reflection

Around the world there are several types of governments. The world as we know it has different ideologies taking in political terms. The world is divided into democracies and non-democratic governments. As we know in every country there are different political parties that represent the voice of the people. The importance of a politics is immeasurable due to its vast influence in all social aspects. The way in which society functions varies from country to country. As we know political parties arose in the 18th and 19th century. It was then that democracy started to grow up to what we know it now in days. Politics are a game that is mysterious and very spontaneous. Political science would not exist if there were issues that arise after political conflicts. I believe that every action is a political act. My view on politics of how policies are created and structured show how complex and deep it is for a governments to make changes, yet they are always possible since our modern society is proof of such changes. Beyond the different governmental systems the main key to each country is to find the social welfare of its people as a priority and main concern. The world would not be the way we are so accustomed to live it if it was not by politics. The next fifty years I predict that our society will change and new forms of governments shall arise to replace a democracy in which its bases are democracy as a whole and common treat for all the people. Having said this, my reflection of six months studying political science my eyes open and I’m illuminated of the cosmopolitan world in which we live in, and realize how alike we are one to each other.
How governments and politics are set up.

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